In back spasm

People’s backs go into spasms quite often and it can be quite painful. The problem is that they do not understand why that happens. I had someone in yesterday who was saying that he has never had back pain before and he does not know why the back pain came in the first place. First of all, not having had any back pain will not save you from a spasm, secondly a back spasm has happened for a reason, it is never random. In fact every type of pain that you get in your body is happening for a reason, my job is to figure out why, treat the patterns and make sure it does not happen again.

REASONS FOR SPASMS ↙️ ➡️ MUSCLE FATIGUE – When a muscle has been working for a long time, without getting any form of rest, or a muscle has been performing the same action over and over again, without receiving other movements or lengtening, it will inevitably start to go into a spasm, in order to remind you that it is not made of steel and also to protect you from a more serious injury.

RAPID MOVEMENTS – Doing something quickly, especially bending forward or rotating, when you have been still for a while, will sometimes lead to a very painful spasm in your back muscles. If you bend forward quickly (happens when you sneeze) that will be the erector spinae group that is getting hit a quick contraction and they simply can not handle the force, so they just do the only thing they think is going to save you – spasm When you are rotating quickly without preparation that is potentially going to hurt your QL muscle – and if that goes into spasm, your in for a painful and sometimes long recovery process.

DEFENSE MECHANISM – Overall the reason for muscles spasming is that they are trying to protect you from doing something stupid and hurting yourself even more. The most common case of spasms happen in the gym when people deadlift. When you try and go over on what you are currently capable of, your body will not like that and your CNS will say to your muscles to spasm in order to protect you. Your brain knows that the only way to stop you is to physically make you unable to perform movements which it deems dangerous – HOW CLEVER IS THAT


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