
7 Benefits of Kinesiology

1.) Pain Relief 2.) Reduce swelling, inflammation & bruising 3.) Prevention of relief from spasms and cramping 4.) Speedier recovery of overused muscles 5.) Structural support for weak or [...]

It’s cupping season!!

The 3 basic physiological responses to cupping is that it creates negative pressure (pulls apart vs pushing down), vasodilatation and enhanced fluid exchange. Because of these 3 responses, [...]


The foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Most dancers would agree that their feet are the most abused part of their bodies. Subject to blisters, [...]

The Graston Technique

The Graston technique treatment is a type of soft tissue therapy that uses specialized tools to break down scar tissue and fascial adhesions. Both of these are most commonly found in the body’s [...]

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