In back pain

It seems like every company is going digital, therefore less face time and more computer time. This means an opportunity for employees to work from home.


The perks of working from home are good for those who are lucky enough to do this – you get to roll out of bed, wear your pjs, have a constant supply of snacks, and potentially lay on the couch with your laptop while getting paid. At the same time, the consequences could mean bad posture that leads to back pain. Here are some tips that will help keep you pain free while working at home:


1. Use of a low back support


Roll up a bath towel or sweatshirt into a log-like form. Place this horizontally in the small of your low back while you are sitting in a chair or couch. This will make you sit up straighter because if you slouch the support will not sit in the proper place, thus improving your posture.


2. Correction of desk set up


Consider these to create a better working space that will naturally create better posture:

Computer screen should be an arm’s length away from you Top of the computer screen should be at eye level Feet flat on the floor with your knees bent at a 90-100 degree angle Back of knees should be about three finger widths from the edge of the chair


3. Move once every hour


Even if you just stand up and sit down, you should try to move once every hour. Sitting in the same position for a long period of time can lead to pain. Take a lap around the house or grab a snack if you need a reason to get up and move.


4. Exercises to help with posture


Shoulder blade squeezes: While standing or sitting at your desk, squeeze your shoulder blades together without elevating your shoulders. The movement should come from the mid to low shoulder blades. Hold for 3-5 seconds and perform 15-20 repetitions. This can be done 1-2 times a day.


Chin tucks: While standing or sitting at your desk, bring your chin straight back toward your face. The chin should not move down toward your chest and your head should not move up or down. The motion is as if you are making a “double chin.” Hold for three seconds and perform 15-20 repetitions. This can be done 1-2 times a day.


Back Pain? Take Action!


Poor posture comes with consequences, such as injury and pain. It is important to take action and utilize these tips to correct posture and prevent pain before it becomes a problem. If you notice that you have pain while working at home and/or have poor posture, set up a free assessment at Springfield Physical Therapy & Wellness. Our team will assess your symptoms and determine what steps you should take.


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